Tijdens het bezoek van de koninklijke familie aan Apeldoorn heeft zich een ernstige aanrijding voorgedaan. Een zwarte personenauto reed, naar het zich laat aanzien, door de afzetting heen. Er liggen ongeveer veertien gewonden op straat. Omstanders proberen hulp te bieden. Hulpdiensten zijn ter plekke.
De open bus met de familie is uit het zicht verdwenen, richting Paleis Het Loo. Daar is het gezelschap uitgestapt. De familieleden die in de bus zaten zagen het ongeluk en reageerden geschokt.
De bus reed in de Loolaan. Op het moment dat de bus de hoek omdraaide, kwam er een personenauto aanstuiven. De bestuurder is aangehouden. Een ooggetuige: ,,Ik zag een auto gaan schuiven, er viel iemand uit de auto.'' Uit de tv-beelden blijkt dat de auto al zwaar beschadigd door de afzetting heenreed en met hoge snelheid op een momument botste. Mensen probeerden zich nog uit de voeten te maken.
Skynet 5B - 257.900 MHz: unknown data mode (mystery solved)
That's what SpectraVue showed me this morning at 0836z. I have been listening on 257.900 MHz (Skynet 5B satellite) in USB, using a remote receiver of the globaltuners.com network.
Anyone got a clue about the mode in question?
UPDATE: You sometimes have to step back to see the whole picture:
As you can see, the transponders bandwidth is 35 kHz while I was looking at a portion of some 6 kHz before, only. Thank you, Paul!
Grand Forks AFB to become HF-GCS alternate net control station
With a loud and clear signal, DAKOTA (Grand Forks AFB, ND) was audible in Europe on 8.992 and 11.175 MHz.
Feature - Grand Forks AFB communicators start two major base projects: "Currently, HFGCS is operated by communications technicians at Andrews Air Force Base, Md., just outside of Washington, D.C. Last year, Air Mobility Command selected Grand Forks AFB to take on responsibilities as the system's alternate control station.
The 'new mission will task us with the responsibility of supporting the airborne communications system used by the White House, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and other major commands around the globe,' said Lt. Col. Sam Bass, 319th Communication Squadron commander."
Feature - Grand Forks AFB communicators start two major base projects: "Currently, HFGCS is operated by communications technicians at Andrews Air Force Base, Md., just outside of Washington, D.C. Last year, Air Mobility Command selected Grand Forks AFB to take on responsibilities as the system's alternate control station.
The 'new mission will task us with the responsibility of supporting the airborne communications system used by the White House, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and other major commands around the globe,' said Lt. Col. Sam Bass, 319th Communication Squadron commander."
5687 kHz: GAF452 & DHM91

At 0604z, GAF452 reported ATD from Koeln-Bonn (EDDK) of 0515z and ETA at a not given destination of 0720z to DHM91 on 5.687 MHz. Additionally, a SELCAL check of GJHL was performed which IDs this bird as a Canadair 601 Challenger, registration 12+06.
wired.com article on fltsatcom pirates
Wired.com has an article about the brazilian satcom pirates: The Great Brazilian Sat-Hack Crackdown: "It's relatively quiet now on the satellite underground"
Although it's a good (but very late) article, I cannot confirm the quietness on these satellites.
As I wrote in my march 19 post regarding the capture of numerous brazilian satcom pirates, "...there is still a lot of activity on 255.55 MHz..." and several other transponders of FLTSATCOM 8.
Although it's a good (but very late) article, I cannot confirm the quietness on these satellites.
As I wrote in my march 19 post regarding the capture of numerous brazilian satcom pirates, "...there is still a lot of activity on 255.55 MHz..." and several other transponders of FLTSATCOM 8.
5687 kHz: GAF128 & DHM91
At 1330z, GAF128 reported ATD from Landsberg (ETSA) of 1326z and ETA in Wunstorf (ETNW) of 1500z to DHM91 on 5.687 MHz.
5687 kHz: GAF910 & DHM91
At 1119z, GAF910 reported ATD from Wunstorf (ETNW) of 0935z and ATA in Landsberg (ETSA) of 1118z to DHM91 on 5.687 MHz.
5687 kHz: GAF320 & DHM91
At 1047z, GAF320 reported its actual time of departure of 1035z from Landsberg (ETSA) and its estimated time of arrival in Decimomannu (LIED) of 1300z to DHM91 on 5.687 MHz. Additionally, a GPEJ SELCAL check was performed.
5687 kHz: GAF422 & DHM91
At 0922z, GAF422 reported their actual time of arrival in Landsberg (ETSA) of 0922 to DHM91 on 5.687 MHz.
Update: Terremoto l'Aquila (earthquake in l'Aquila
IK6IHU has a list of frequencies of the Abruzzo area used for emergency communications:
"La sezione CISAR Abruzzo ha attivato, per l'emergenza in corso, la connessione alla rete nazionale ITA-LINK Network sul ripetitore RU13 del Monte Majella che copre anche le zone interessate dal terremoto. La frequenza operativa è 431.925 -1.600 Mhz.
Le frequenze dei ripetitori del Centro operativo della Protezione Civile presso la Prefettura di Pescara sono:
R1 di Campo Imperatore (AQ) 145.625 -0.6, R4 della Majella 145.700 - 0.6, RU8 della Majella 430.200 +1.6
I gestori del sistema ITA-LINK hanno messo a disposizione l''intero circuito concedendoci priorità assoluta per eventuali comunicazioni di emergenza.
Un ringraziamento particolare a IT9QIO Rosolino e IZ8FEX Vincenzo per il supporto"
I'd like to add 7.045 MHz in LSB. Please keep this frequency clear for emergency comms and monitor it. Thank you!
The 431.925 repeater is available via echolink, node # 4434.
"La sezione CISAR Abruzzo ha attivato, per l'emergenza in corso, la connessione alla rete nazionale ITA-LINK Network sul ripetitore RU13 del Monte Majella che copre anche le zone interessate dal terremoto. La frequenza operativa è 431.925 -1.600 Mhz.
Le frequenze dei ripetitori del Centro operativo della Protezione Civile presso la Prefettura di Pescara sono:
R1 di Campo Imperatore (AQ) 145.625 -0.6, R4 della Majella 145.700 - 0.6, RU8 della Majella 430.200 +1.6
I gestori del sistema ITA-LINK hanno messo a disposizione l''intero circuito concedendoci priorità assoluta per eventuali comunicazioni di emergenza.
Un ringraziamento particolare a IT9QIO Rosolino e IZ8FEX Vincenzo per il supporto"
I'd like to add 7.045 MHz in LSB. Please keep this frequency clear for emergency comms and monitor it. Thank you!
The 431.925 repeater is available via echolink, node # 4434.
Terremoto l'Aquila
ANSA.it - Marche - Terremoti: l'Aquila, partiti aiuti dalle Marche: "Terremoti: l'Aquila, partiti aiuti dalle Marche
Spacca e Bucciarelli, pronti a fornire tutto l'aiuto possibile
(ANSA), ANCONA, 6 APR - Il dirigente della Protezione civile delle Marche Roberto Oreficini e la colonna mobile regionale della Protezione civile sono partiti per l'Aquila. Con loro ci sono una sessantina di volontari, e mezzi e attrezzature per allestire un ospedale da campo e una tendopoli per i terremotati. Il Comando regionale dei Vigili del fuoco ha inviato 60 uomini e 40 mezzi, dotati di telecamere per il rilevamento di persone sotto le strutture crollate. Dieci tecnici della Provincia di Ancona sono pronti a partire, mentre il presidente della giunta e quello del consiglio regionale assicurano ''il massimo aiuto alle popolazioni colpite''. (ANSA)."
Sto cercando corte frequenze della Croce Rossa Italiana.
Spacca e Bucciarelli, pronti a fornire tutto l'aiuto possibile
(ANSA), ANCONA, 6 APR - Il dirigente della Protezione civile delle Marche Roberto Oreficini e la colonna mobile regionale della Protezione civile sono partiti per l'Aquila. Con loro ci sono una sessantina di volontari, e mezzi e attrezzature per allestire un ospedale da campo e una tendopoli per i terremotati. Il Comando regionale dei Vigili del fuoco ha inviato 60 uomini e 40 mezzi, dotati di telecamere per il rilevamento di persone sotto le strutture crollate. Dieci tecnici della Provincia di Ancona sono pronti a partire, mentre il presidente della giunta e quello del consiglio regionale assicurano ''il massimo aiuto alle popolazioni colpite''. (ANSA)."
Sto cercando corte frequenze della Croce Rossa Italiana.
Kwangmyongsong-2 launched...maybe
U.S. Northern Command News: "NORAD and USNORTHCOM monitor North Korean launch
April 05, 2009
PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. — North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command officials acknowledged today that North Korea launched a Taepo Dong 2 missile at 10:30 p.m. EDT Saturday which passed over the Sea of Japan/East Sea and the nation of Japan.
Stage one of the missile fell into the Sea of Japan/East Sea. The remaining stages along with the payload itself landed in the Pacific Ocean.
No object entered orbit and no debris fell on Japan.
NORAD and USNORTHCOM assessed the space launch vehicle as not a threat to North America or Hawaii and took no action in response to this launch.
This is all of the information that will be provided by NORAD and USNORTHCOM pertaining to the launch."
So much for the military part. This is what Reuters reported:
SEOUL, April 5 (Reuters) - Following is a full text of the English-language report on North Korea's KCNA news agency on Sunday saying the communist state had successfully put a satellite into orbit:
"Scientists and technicians of the DPRK (North Korea) have succeeded in putting satellite Kwangmyongsong-2, an experimental communications satellite, into orbit by means of carrier rocket Unha-2 under the state's long-term plan for the development of outer space.
"Unha-2, which was launched at the Tonghae Satellite Launching Ground in Hwadae County, North Hamgyong Province at 11:20 (0220 GMT) on April 5, accurately put Kwangmyongsong-2 into its orbit at 11:29:02, nine minutes and two seconds after its launch.
"The satellite is going round the earth along its elliptic orbit at the angle of inclination of 40.6 degrees at 490 km perigee and 1,426 km apogee. Its cycle is 104 minutes and 12 seconds.
"Mounted on the satellite are necessary measuring devices and communications apparatuses.
"The satellite is going round on its routine orbit.
"It is sending to the earth the melodies of the immortal revolutionary paeans 'Song of General Kim Il-sung' and 'Song of General Kim Jong-il' and measured information at 470 MHz. By the use of the satellite the relay communications is now underway by UHF frequency band.
"The satellite is of decisive significance in promoting the scientific researches into the peaceful use of outer space and solving scientific and technological problems for the launch of practical satellites in the future.
"Carrier rocket Unha-2 has three stages.
"The carrier rocket and the satellite developed by the indigenous wisdom and technology are the shining results gained in the efforts to develop the nation's space science and technology on a higher level.
"The successful satellite launch is symbolic of the leaping advance made in the nation's space science and technology was conducted against the background of the stirring period when a high-pitched drive for bringing about a fresh great revolutionary surge is under way throughout the country to open the gate to a great prosperous and powerful nation without fail by 2012, the centenary of the birth of President Kim Il-sung, under the far-reaching plan of leader Kim Jong-il.
"This is powerfully encouraging the Korean people all out in the general advance."
UPDATE: As of 1749z, nothing was heard on 470 MHz.
UPDATE: As of 2125z, 470 MHz is still quiet. I have doubt the sat made it into orbit.
Kwangmyongsong-2 on the Global Frequency Database
See also my post about the actions prior to the rocket launch.
April 05, 2009
PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. — North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command officials acknowledged today that North Korea launched a Taepo Dong 2 missile at 10:30 p.m. EDT Saturday which passed over the Sea of Japan/East Sea and the nation of Japan.
Stage one of the missile fell into the Sea of Japan/East Sea. The remaining stages along with the payload itself landed in the Pacific Ocean.
No object entered orbit and no debris fell on Japan.
NORAD and USNORTHCOM assessed the space launch vehicle as not a threat to North America or Hawaii and took no action in response to this launch.
This is all of the information that will be provided by NORAD and USNORTHCOM pertaining to the launch."
So much for the military part. This is what Reuters reported:
SEOUL, April 5 (Reuters) - Following is a full text of the English-language report on North Korea's KCNA news agency on Sunday saying the communist state had successfully put a satellite into orbit:
"Scientists and technicians of the DPRK (North Korea) have succeeded in putting satellite Kwangmyongsong-2, an experimental communications satellite, into orbit by means of carrier rocket Unha-2 under the state's long-term plan for the development of outer space.
"Unha-2, which was launched at the Tonghae Satellite Launching Ground in Hwadae County, North Hamgyong Province at 11:20 (0220 GMT) on April 5, accurately put Kwangmyongsong-2 into its orbit at 11:29:02, nine minutes and two seconds after its launch.
"The satellite is going round the earth along its elliptic orbit at the angle of inclination of 40.6 degrees at 490 km perigee and 1,426 km apogee. Its cycle is 104 minutes and 12 seconds.
"Mounted on the satellite are necessary measuring devices and communications apparatuses.
"The satellite is going round on its routine orbit.
"It is sending to the earth the melodies of the immortal revolutionary paeans 'Song of General Kim Il-sung' and 'Song of General Kim Jong-il' and measured information at 470 MHz. By the use of the satellite the relay communications is now underway by UHF frequency band.
"The satellite is of decisive significance in promoting the scientific researches into the peaceful use of outer space and solving scientific and technological problems for the launch of practical satellites in the future.
"Carrier rocket Unha-2 has three stages.
"The carrier rocket and the satellite developed by the indigenous wisdom and technology are the shining results gained in the efforts to develop the nation's space science and technology on a higher level.
"The successful satellite launch is symbolic of the leaping advance made in the nation's space science and technology was conducted against the background of the stirring period when a high-pitched drive for bringing about a fresh great revolutionary surge is under way throughout the country to open the gate to a great prosperous and powerful nation without fail by 2012, the centenary of the birth of President Kim Il-sung, under the far-reaching plan of leader Kim Jong-il.
"This is powerfully encouraging the Korean people all out in the general advance."
UPDATE: As of 1749z, nothing was heard on 470 MHz.
UPDATE: As of 2125z, 470 MHz is still quiet. I have doubt the sat made it into orbit.
Kwangmyongsong-2 on the Global Frequency Database
See also my post about the actions prior to the rocket launch.
Tarnschieber Polizei Niedersachsen & Sachsen-Anhalt
A listener in Germany sent this information:
014 Einsatzfahrzeug
015 Dienststelle
016 Diensthund
017 Bombendrohung
018 Bundespolizei (ex BGS)
019 Beobachtende Fahndung ("der Beginn einer langen Freundschaft")
020 Begleitschutz
021 Bankueberfall
022 Bande
023 Auslaender
024 Aufenthaltsermittlung
025 Zechprellerei
026 Widerstand
027 Wasserwerfer
028 Waffen
029 Verstaerkung
030 Versammlung
031 Verletzt
032 Verkehrsunfallflucht
033 Verkehrsunfall
034 Verkehrsbehinderung
035 Verfolgung
036 Verdaechtige Person
037 Betriebsunfall/Hausunfall
038 Ueberfall
039 Totschlag
040 Tanker
041 Taeter
042 Tatort
043 Streit
044 Standort
045 Sprengstoffanschlag
046 Sittlichkeitsdelikt
047 Sicherheitsstellung
048 Selbsttoetung
049 Schwertransport
050 Abschleppdienst
051 Absperrung
052 Alarmstufe
053 Alarmnotruf ausgeloest
054 Amtshilfe
055 Ansammlung
056 Arzt
057 Ausbruch
058 Bedrohung/Belaestigung
059 Begleitkommando/Eskorte
060 Bereitschaftspolizei (BEPO)
061 Beschlagnahme
062 (reserviert)
063 Betrug/Betrueger
064 Betrunkener
065 Binnenschiff
066 Blutentnahme
067 Brand
068 Bundeswehr
069 Demonstration
070 Diebstahl
071 Durchsuchung
072 Einbruch/Einbrecher
073 Einschleicher
074 Erkennungsdienst
075 Exhibitionist
076 Fahndung
077 Faehre
078 Fahrgastschiff
079 Fahrzeughalter feststellen
080 Falschgeld
081 Festnahme/Inverwahrung
082 Feuerwehr
083 fluechtig/Fluechtling
084 Flugzeugabsturz
085 Frachtschiff
086 Funkstreife
087 Fussstreife
088 Gasgeruch
089 Gasvergiftung
090 Gefangenentransport
091 Psychisch Erkrankter
092 Geldtransporter
093 Gesuchter
094 Grober Unfug
095 Hafenfahrzeug
096 Haus-/Familienstreit
097 Havarie
098 Hilfeersuchen
099 Hilfloser
100 Hoheitsfahrzeug
101 Kollision
102 Kommission
103 Koerperverletzung
104 Kraftfahrzeug
105 Krankenwagen
106 Kripo
107 Leiche
108 Militaerpolizei/Feldjaeger
109 militaerische Einsatzkontrolle
110 Moerder/Mord
111 Munitionsfund
112 Notlandung
113 Notruf
114 Oelverschmutzung
115 Raub
116 Rauschgift
117 (reserviert)
118 Ruhestoerung
119 Schlaegerei
120 Schmierkolonne
121 Schusswaffengebrauch
224 Geschwindigkeitskontrolle
226 Ueberpruefung
228 Staatsanwalt
229 Observation
230 Hubschrauber
231 Geiselnahme/Entfuehrung
232 Geisel
233 Erkenntnisse
234 Nicht einsatzbereit
235 Einsatzbereit
014 Einsatzfahrzeug
015 Dienststelle
016 Diensthund
017 Bombendrohung
018 Bundespolizei (ex BGS)
019 Beobachtende Fahndung ("der Beginn einer langen Freundschaft")
020 Begleitschutz
021 Bankueberfall
022 Bande
023 Auslaender
024 Aufenthaltsermittlung
025 Zechprellerei
026 Widerstand
027 Wasserwerfer
028 Waffen
029 Verstaerkung
030 Versammlung
031 Verletzt
032 Verkehrsunfallflucht
033 Verkehrsunfall
034 Verkehrsbehinderung
035 Verfolgung
036 Verdaechtige Person
037 Betriebsunfall/Hausunfall
038 Ueberfall
039 Totschlag
040 Tanker
041 Taeter
042 Tatort
043 Streit
044 Standort
045 Sprengstoffanschlag
046 Sittlichkeitsdelikt
047 Sicherheitsstellung
048 Selbsttoetung
049 Schwertransport
050 Abschleppdienst
051 Absperrung
052 Alarmstufe
053 Alarmnotruf ausgeloest
054 Amtshilfe
055 Ansammlung
056 Arzt
057 Ausbruch
058 Bedrohung/Belaestigung
059 Begleitkommando/Eskorte
060 Bereitschaftspolizei (BEPO)
061 Beschlagnahme
062 (reserviert)
063 Betrug/Betrueger
064 Betrunkener
065 Binnenschiff
066 Blutentnahme
067 Brand
068 Bundeswehr
069 Demonstration
070 Diebstahl
071 Durchsuchung
072 Einbruch/Einbrecher
073 Einschleicher
074 Erkennungsdienst
075 Exhibitionist
076 Fahndung
077 Faehre
078 Fahrgastschiff
079 Fahrzeughalter feststellen
080 Falschgeld
081 Festnahme/Inverwahrung
082 Feuerwehr
083 fluechtig/Fluechtling
084 Flugzeugabsturz
085 Frachtschiff
086 Funkstreife
087 Fussstreife
088 Gasgeruch
089 Gasvergiftung
090 Gefangenentransport
091 Psychisch Erkrankter
092 Geldtransporter
093 Gesuchter
094 Grober Unfug
095 Hafenfahrzeug
096 Haus-/Familienstreit
097 Havarie
098 Hilfeersuchen
099 Hilfloser
100 Hoheitsfahrzeug
101 Kollision
102 Kommission
103 Koerperverletzung
104 Kraftfahrzeug
105 Krankenwagen
106 Kripo
107 Leiche
108 Militaerpolizei/Feldjaeger
109 militaerische Einsatzkontrolle
110 Moerder/Mord
111 Munitionsfund
112 Notlandung
113 Notruf
114 Oelverschmutzung
115 Raub
116 Rauschgift
117 (reserviert)
118 Ruhestoerung
119 Schlaegerei
120 Schmierkolonne
121 Schusswaffengebrauch
224 Geschwindigkeitskontrolle
226 Ueberpruefung
228 Staatsanwalt
229 Observation
230 Hubschrauber
231 Geiselnahme/Entfuehrung
232 Geisel
233 Erkenntnisse
234 Nicht einsatzbereit
235 Einsatzbereit
Helicopter ditched in North Sea
BBC NEWS | UK | Scotland | North East/N Isles | Helicopter ditches in North Sea: "Helicopter ditches in North Sea
The crash happened about 40 miles north east of Aberdeen
A major search for survivors is under way after a helicopter with 16 people on board ditched in the North Sea."
Interesting freq in use right now: 5680 kHz/USB with Kinloss RESCUE
2009-04: SKYKING messages
The following are the SKYKING messages copied in Europe in April 2009:
09-04-14 1058z: NKN (time 58, auth SS) by Offutt
09-04-14 0547z: 4PG (time 47, auth SU) by Andrews
09-04-07 2312z: MRI (time 10, authentication PY) by Andrews
09-04-07 1115z: 373 (time 15, authentication OF) by Andrews
09-04-05 1053z: 3WR (time 52, authentication WF) by Andrews
09-04-05 0935z: 6JR (time 35, authentication WC) by Andrews
09-04-03 1023z: 4NP (time 23, authentication OV) by Andrews
All messages were simulcasted on all well-known HF-GCS (formerly known as GHFS) frequencies:
4724 kHz/USB
6739 kHz/USB
8992 kHz/USB
11175 kHz/USB
13200 kHz/USB
15016 kHz/USB
09-04-14 1058z: NKN (time 58, auth SS) by Offutt
09-04-14 0547z: 4PG (time 47, auth SU) by Andrews
09-04-07 2312z: MRI (time 10, authentication PY) by Andrews
09-04-07 1115z: 373 (time 15, authentication OF) by Andrews
09-04-05 1053z: 3WR (time 52, authentication WF) by Andrews
09-04-05 0935z: 6JR (time 35, authentication WC) by Andrews
09-04-03 1023z: 4NP (time 23, authentication OV) by Andrews
All messages were simulcasted on all well-known HF-GCS (formerly known as GHFS) frequencies:
4724 kHz/USB
6739 kHz/USB
8992 kHz/USB
11175 kHz/USB
13200 kHz/USB
15016 kHz/USB
2009-04: Emergency Action Messages (EAM) in April 2009
09-04-17 0607z: 5FYBERDSUF6GQL4PZ5TZB6G3MSGH
09-04-16 1630z: 5F3GJV3KU5TEJZ4JUR4FZXGNHAQS
09-04-14 1444z: Z2JGOP6TB2HN7S6VHSQHNR3RDIXS
09-04-09 1609z: ZAONQ2 (for BALANCE BEAM)
09-04-09 1550z: ZAARNC (for BALANCE BEAM)
09-04-09 1543z: ZANILT (for APOLOGY)
09-04-09 1539z: Z2TC6K5GVX7GNMUH2EF2BIUOC4PP (phone rang in background)
09-04-09 1537z: Z2TJYPIBCI26U223N2PNBCL22ZE2 (phone rang in background)
09-04-09 1454z: ZAYYVT (for APOLOGY)
09-04-09 1443z: ZAWGK6 (for APOLOGY)
09-04-09 1417z: Z2F7YWZP3UZ6MH5BNUWKF5B3VQ4P
09-04-07 2226z: ZAP5BK
09-04-07 2225z: ZAI63I
09-04-07 2221z: ZAP5BK
09-04-07 1204z: Z2TXKOZET6ZSO7S2QXJ4BA
09-04-07 1201z: Z2T7CLC7VOFWLBJHEGKU32YYSRW7
09-04-06 1755z: Z2LKGIMVT57ECNIAD2BVWWA3NMZ4
09-04-06 1728z: Z2JQ7Q3JNMJ5LHDI7LYKY433DC3F
09-04-06 1715z: ZA3AW5UNID5LXQ5B43XA
09-04-06 1708z: ZALM7H
09-04-06 1707z: ZAK3OB
09-04-06 1702z: ZAK3OB
09-04-06 1520z: Z2BOWSTCKFI5LBPBGQT5FG
09-04-06 1431z: Z2OGLU2U2IN74AMBCUKNFGICRJM5
09-04-05 1513z: Z2H3662AWQM3VJG2LUUK7EFEXZC3
09-04-05 1511z: Z2UEEYJFWSDAGZLPPZW5GEUIXZZV (again the same msg?!)
09-04-05 1508z: Z2UEEYJFWSDAGZLPPZW5GEUIXZZV (disregarded at 1510z)
09-04-05 0941z: Z2TWJVIPZKJ2I3PYYYUSRV
09-04-04 2233z: Z2M7QBWFKUV64PPK7UFJYOUAMGZ7
09-04-04 2217z: Z2R6FMVPZRHSHZQ5B3AX4Y
All messages were simulcasted on all well-known HF-GCS (formerly known as GHFS) frequencies:
4724 kHz/USB
6739 kHz/USB
8992 kHz/USB
11175 kHz/USB
13200 kHz/USB
15016 kHz/USB
09-04-16 1630z: 5F3GJV3KU5TEJZ4JUR4FZXGNHAQS
09-04-14 1444z: Z2JGOP6TB2HN7S6VHSQHNR3RDIXS
09-04-09 1609z: ZAONQ2 (for BALANCE BEAM)
09-04-09 1550z: ZAARNC (for BALANCE BEAM)
09-04-09 1543z: ZANILT (for APOLOGY)
09-04-09 1539z: Z2TC6K5GVX7GNMUH2EF2BIUOC4PP (phone rang in background)
09-04-09 1537z: Z2TJYPIBCI26U223N2PNBCL22ZE2 (phone rang in background)
09-04-09 1454z: ZAYYVT (for APOLOGY)
09-04-09 1443z: ZAWGK6 (for APOLOGY)
09-04-09 1417z: Z2F7YWZP3UZ6MH5BNUWKF5B3VQ4P
09-04-07 2226z: ZAP5BK
09-04-07 2225z: ZAI63I
09-04-07 2221z: ZAP5BK
09-04-07 1204z: Z2TXKOZET6ZSO7S2QXJ4BA
09-04-07 1201z: Z2T7CLC7VOFWLBJHEGKU32YYSRW7
09-04-06 1755z: Z2LKGIMVT57ECNIAD2BVWWA3NMZ4
09-04-06 1728z: Z2JQ7Q3JNMJ5LHDI7LYKY433DC3F
09-04-06 1715z: ZA3AW5UNID5LXQ5B43XA
09-04-06 1708z: ZALM7H
09-04-06 1707z: ZAK3OB
09-04-06 1702z: ZAK3OB
09-04-06 1520z: Z2BOWSTCKFI5LBPBGQT5FG
09-04-06 1431z: Z2OGLU2U2IN74AMBCUKNFGICRJM5
09-04-05 1513z: Z2H3662AWQM3VJG2LUUK7EFEXZC3
09-04-05 1511z: Z2UEEYJFWSDAGZLPPZW5GEUIXZZV (again the same msg?!)
09-04-05 1508z: Z2UEEYJFWSDAGZLPPZW5GEUIXZZV (disregarded at 1510z)
09-04-05 0941z: Z2TWJVIPZKJ2I3PYYYUSRV
09-04-04 2233z: Z2M7QBWFKUV64PPK7UFJYOUAMGZ7
09-04-04 2217z: Z2R6FMVPZRHSHZQ5B3AX4Y
All messages were simulcasted on all well-known HF-GCS (formerly known as GHFS) frequencies:
4724 kHz/USB
6739 kHz/USB
8992 kHz/USB
11175 kHz/USB
13200 kHz/USB
15016 kHz/USB
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