"The high performance SDR-IP is an internet protocol (TCP/IP) software defined receiver. It offers the ultimate versatility for scientific research, radio astronomy and shortwave listening. The SDR-IP uses a high performance 80 MHz, 16 bit ADC with both dithering and randomization for best performance. The output I/Q bandwidth is configurable via software. PC communications are handled over a 100 base-T port using 24 or 16 bit I/Q words." more..
Frequency Range: 0.01 - 34 MHz *
Digital Down Converter: Xilinx FPGA
PC Interface: Ethernet 100 base-T (UDP/TCP/IP)
Filters: 120+ dB 90% Alias Free BW
Decimation Rate: Variable 40-2560 (in 10 increment)
Output Sample Rate: 32 KHz to 2.0 MHz @ 24b IQ
DDC Flatness: <0.1 dB
Dynamic Range: 105+ dB
MDS: -132dBm in 500 Hz BW
Analog to Digital Converter: 16bit w/ Dither
Digital to Analog Converter: 14bit @ 200 MHz
Preselection: 10 Filters
Attenuators: 0, -10dB, -20dB, -30dB
Sample Rate: 80.000 MHz
Memory: 65536 x 16 bit samples (256K x 16 option)
External Radio Control: Built-in RS-232 port
Dimensions: 210 x 70 x 180 mm
Display: 16 x 2 Character LED LCD
Power: 5 Volts DC @ 1.5 Amp **
Connections: 4 x BNC (RF In, Ext Ref, Trigger, IF Out) , RS-232, Pulse Out, Ethernet, Power.
Ethernet Bandwidth Requirements:
2.00 MHz Output Sample Rate = 64Mb/s *16bit
1.33 MHz Output Sample Rate = 64Mb/s
0.50 MHz Output Sample Rate = 24Mb/s
0.10 MHz Output Sample Rate = 4.8Mb/s
Expansion: Internal Downconverter, Internal 10 MHz Phase/Frequency Lock.