HF Log 2011-04-02 - 2011-04-08

These frequencies were logged by the admins of the Global Frequency Database, available at http://qrg.globaltuners.com/

All times in UTC, frequencies in kHz

2011-04-02 17:14:10 8942.000
USB Shannon, Ireland GS-07 HFDL
heard by norave in Hannover, Germany
more information: http://bit.ly/gjkGI2

2011-04-03 07:01:28 11175.00
USB Andrews AFB (Camp Springs), MD/USA KAWD KNSF Andrews HF-GCS (ex GHFS)
heard by norave in Oldenzaal, Netherlands
more information: http://bit.ly/gcY30c

2011-04-03 07:10:35 6604.000
USB New York, NY/USA New York Radio VOLMET H+00/H+30
heard by norave in Oldenzaal, Netherlands
more information: http://bit.ly/f6aa10

2011-04-03 22:49:25 4196.000
USB Magic Cyrano AWACS
heard by norave in Oldenzaal, Netherlands
more information: http://bit.ly/ed8bsJ

Daily logs are published on http://euromon.blogspot.com/ every night at about 0000z.
Logs get posted in near real-time on http://twitter.com/norave76

Logbot of the Global Frequency Database

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